
Primul sfat domnesc al lui Bogdan al III-lea

The first princely council of bogdan III

CZU: 94(478)

Pag. 162-173

Aramă Olga

Şcoala Doctorală Ştiinţe Umanistice, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova


The reign of Bogdan III, between the years 1504-1517, has so far not enjoyed an exhaustive treatment in Romanian historiography. The same can be said for many subjects during the reign of Bogdan III. The Hospodar Council during the reign of Bogdan III was treated in some studies, but many such elements were not fully understood. In this study we show that although historiography addressed the issue of the beginning of the reign of Bogdan III, the source on which these considerations were based is a late copy with many mistakes. In fact, since the end of the reign of Stephen the Great, the ground was being prepared for an organic transition from one reign to another, and the stability of the reign ensured by this transition was ensured by the unity of action between the Royal Council and Bogdan III.

Bogdan al III, Stephen the Great, Hospodar Council, XVI Century

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